Your Experience

The Road Ahead:

Our Process Is Centered Around You

Everything we do is centered around you. We want to partner with you on your journey to financial independence and increase your chance of success as you define it. Using mathematics, statistics and technology we can bring more certainty to your finances, reducing stress and saving you time, energy and money. We do our best work when working as a team alongside your other trusted advisors, such as your CPA and attorney, to ensure all aspects of your financial life are in harmony.

How do we do it?

Like any professional that you may have worked with in the past, such as a CPA or an attorney, we have a process to provide you with the objective advice that you need.

From a high-level, we begin our relationship by having a conversation around what’s important about your money to you. We perform an information deep-dive to ensure we have a full understanding of your situation, what’s important to you and what you want to achieve. From there, we collaborate with you on designing a strategy for success, implement it and periodically meet to review our progress. We will always focus on advice before product, but the reality is that financial products are often the “tools” we apply to optimize your situation. Like anything else, it’s important to have the “right tool” for the job and we have taken steps to ensure we do. Want to peek inside our Toolbox?